IPA CIS International Observer Team at the snap elections to the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia published its findings

18 December 2018

IPA CIS International Observer Team at the snap elections to the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia published its findings

The IPA CIS International Observer Team prepared the findings on the results of the monitoring the snap elections to the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on 9 December 2018.

The Observer Team included IPA CIS parliamentarians, IPA CIS Council Secretariat staff members and IIMDD IPA CIS experts. Vice Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrghyz Republic Mirlan Bakirov was appointed the coordinator of the group.

The IPA CIS International Observer Team, in accordance with individual routes, carried out monitoring at polling stations in Yerevan on the voting day.

The findings of the IPA CIS International Observer Team at the snap elections to the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia is available on the IPA CIS website.