IPA CIS observer team visited the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan

19 March 2016

IPA CIS observer team visited the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan

IPA CIS international observers at parliamentary elections Kazakhstan met with Kuandyk Turgankulov, Chairperson of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Valekh Aleskerov, Coordinator of the Observer Team, Vice Speaker of Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, thanked the Chairperson of the Election Commission for cooperation and shared the documents issued by the expert group of the IIMDD IPA CIS on the basis of the long-term election monitoring.

The Chairperson of the Election Commission welcomed the IPA CIS observer team. He informed the team of the Commission’s activities and its action plan for the parliamentary elections.

Kuandyk Turgankulov emphasized the importance of the IIMDD's work and highly appreciated its efforts.

After the meeting the IPA CIS representatives attended the Press Office of the Central Election Commission where Valekh Aleskerov took the questions from the media.