IPA CIS observer team met with the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

19 March 2016

IPA CIS observer team met with the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Valekh Askerov, Coordinator of the Observer Team, introduced the members of his team and shared the plans for the monitoring process, including the monitoring on the polling stations abroad. He also shared the results of the short-term monitoring, his impressions on the preparations for the election and on his meeting with the heads of Nur-Otan and Ayul Parties. Moreover, he passed the documents issued by the expert group of the IPA CIS IIMDP on the basis of the long-term election monitoring to Kassym Zhomart-Tokayev, Speaker of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kassym Zhomart-Tokayev highly appreciated the efforts of the IPA CIS observer team.