IPA CIS Observer Team Ziyafet Asgarov met with Chair of the Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilova

20 February 2018

IPA CIS Observer Team Ziyafet Asgarov met with Chair of the Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilova

The meeting of IPA CIS Observer Team Coordinator, First Deputy Speaker of the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic Ziyafet Asgarov with Chair of the Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilova took place in Moscow.

Ziyafet Asgarov informed Ella Pamfilova on the long-term monitoring carried out by the IPA CIS observers and the round table for the international observers at the presidential elections in the Russian Federation organized by the IIMDD IPA CIS on 21 February 2018 at the headquarters of the IPA CIS in the Tavricheskiy Palace.

Chair of the Central Election Commission briefed the international observers on the preparation for the elections focusing on the technological upgrade of district election commissions. She said that 80 percent of population would vote on the polling stations equipped by CCTV and that cameras would be for the first time used at territorial election commissions. The input of data from final protocols will be done by QR-codes scanning.

The observers were also told about the possibilities to apply for voting at the place of temporary residence. According to the Central Election Commission, more than 900 thousand applications were submitted so far.

Ella Pamfilova noted that the Central Election Commission actively cooperated with the civil society bodies; the possibilities of monitoring of the elections, counting of votes and tabulating of election results were enhanced.