Director of the Baku field office of the IIMDD IPA CIS visited the central regions of the Russian Federation

20 February 2018

Director of the Baku field office of the IIMDD IPA CIS visited the central regions of the Russian Federation

The representative of the international Observer Team from the IPA CIS, Director of the Baku field office of the IIMDD IPA CIS Elman Imamaliyev visited the Russian Federation to observe the preparation for holding the presidential elections on 18 March 2018.

Elman Imamaliyev visited the Election Commission of the Moscow region and met with its Chair Irina Konovalova. She informed the IPA CIS observer on the work of the Commission to organize the elections.

During his visit Director of the Baku field office of the IIMDD IPA CIS also visited several polling stations in the Moscow region.

The day before Elman Imamaliyev visited the Vladimir region and met with Chair of the Election Commission of the Vladimir region Vadim Minaev and Secretary of the Commission Nina Ulieva. During the meeting they discussed the issues of the preparation of the elections in accordance with the plan approved by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

Elman Imamaliyev also visited the Territorial Election Commission of the Oktyabrskiy district of Vladimir and several district election commissions.