IPA CIS observers discussed the plans of work during the presidential elections in the Russian Federation

17 March 2018

IPA CIS observers discussed the plans of work during the presidential elections in the Russian Federation

The organizational meetings of the IPA CIS international observers took place in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation provided a venue for the meeting which was led by First Deputy Speaker of the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic Ziyafet Asgarov. He introduced the members of the Team, presented the agenda and shared on the impressions on the long-term monitoring.

Deputy Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat, Director of the IIMDD IPA CIS Dmitriy Gladei informed the participants on the plans of work of the Team during the short-term monitoring meeting, told about the meetings planned with the representatives of the candidates’ offices, and provided the observers with background information for visiting the polling stations on the election day.

Head of the IIMDD IPA CIS Expert Team Stanislav Tkachenko briefed on the work of the group on studying the Russian electoral legislation and international commitments of Russia in this field and presented a report on long-term monitoring.

The meeting in St. Petersburg was opened by Deputy Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Aleksey Dolzhikov. He informed the participants on the composition of the St. Petersburg group.

Acting Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Yuriy Osipov noted that the staff members of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat will provide the observers with all necessary organizational assistance and wished success.

Mandated by the CIS Team Coordinator, Member of the Committee of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Economic Policy, Innovation Development and Entrepreneurship Edil Mamytbekov acted as the Coordinator representative in St. Petersburg. Edil Mamytbekov stressed that the IPA CIS Observer Team had enjoyed the recognized credibility for more than 20 years of activity in the field of election monitoring across the CIS.

Deputy Head of the Expert Team of the IIMDD IPA CIS Dmitriy Baryshnikov informed the participants on the results of the long-term monitoring of the elections and the legal analysis carried out by the IIMDD experts to assess the compliance of the electoral legislation with international democratic elections standards and procedures of hosting elections.

Deputy Head of the Office of the IPA CIS Observer Team Roman Amburtsev spoke about the plans of the IPA CIS Observer Team in St. Petersburg during the short-term monitoring and individual schedules of the observers on the election day.