IPA CIS observers met with the speaker of Milli Mejlis Ogtay Asadov

10 September 2013

IPA CIS observers met with the speaker of Milli Mejlis Ogtay Asadov

The meeting was witnessed by the IPA CIS Secretary General Alexey Sergeev, Deputy Director of IPA CIS IIMDD Andrey Baranov and Director of the IIMDD Baku Office Elman Imamaliev.

The meeting discussed the current state of the electoral campaign and the work of the observers. Ogtay Asadov praised the work of the observation mission, IIMDD and its Baku Office and noted high quality of analytical and information materials. The Baku Office was the first among regional offices of the Institute to start its operations. Ever since its establishment in 2007, the Office aquired professional and analytical skills needed for its mandate and has become a knowledge and learning center.

The Team Leader briefed the MPs on the long-term monitoring and thanked them for their support.