IPA CIS observers will participate in the monitoring of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation

09 February 2018

IPA CIS observers will participate in the monitoring of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation

Speaker of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin sent an invitation to Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko for IPA CIS representatives of to participate in the monitoring of the elections that will take place on 18 March 2018.

The IPA CIS Council Secretariat started to form an observer team which is composed of MPs of the IPA CIS Member States.

Through a decree of the IPA CIS Council Chairperson Valentina Matvienko, First Deputy Speaker of the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic Ziyafet Asgarov was appointed Team Coordinator.