Observers from the IPA CIS were invited to participate in the monitoring of the presidential elections in the Azerbaijan Republic

12 February 2018

Observers from the IPA CIS were invited to participate in the monitoring of the presidential elections in the Azerbaijan Republic

Speaker of the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic Oktay Asadov sent to IPA CIS Council Chairperson, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko an invitation for the IPA CIS Observer Team to participate in the monitoring of the preparation and holding the early presidential elections that will take place on 11 April 2018.

The IPA CIS will form an observer team composed of the MPs of the IPA CIS Member States, staff members of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat and experts of the International Institute of Monitoring Democratic Development, Parliamentarism and Suffrage for the IPA CIS Member Nations (IIMDD IPA CIS).

As part of the long-term monitoring, IIMDD IPA CIS experts and experts of the Baku branch of the IIMDD will analyze the electoral legislation to assess its consistency with international democratic elections standards, as well as compile and review information materials concerning the electoral processes and activities of the legislative, executive and judicial bodies during the presidential elections in the Azerbaijan Republic.