Members of the CIS observer mission met with Vladimir Vityuk

31 October 2016

Members of the CIS observer mission met with Vladimir Vityuk

Members of the CIS Observer Mission with Vice Speaker of the Parliament of Moldova Vladimir Vityuk. The meeting took place in the building of the Moldovan Parliament.

Vladimir Vityuk thanked the representatives of the Mission for observing the run-up and holding of the presidential election in the Republic of Moldova.

Head of the CIS Observer Mission, IPA CIS Council Secretary General Alexey Sergeev invited representatives of the Parliament to attend the autumn session of the IPA CIS that will take place on 24-25 November 2016 in the Tavrichesky Palace in St. Petersburg. The session is expected to discuss the outcomes of the recent observation effort in Moldova.

Coordinator of the IPA CIS Observer Team, Vice Speaker of Madzhlisi namoyandagon Madzhlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan Akramsho Felaliev suggested that they, together with the colleagues from the Parliament, set up a Group of Friendship to strengthen the international parliamentary ties between Tajikistan and Moldova.

Violeta Ivanov, Chair of the Committee of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on Public Administration, Regional Development, the Environment and Climate Change, also took part in the meeting.