Roundtable “Role of Women in Public Life of Azerbaijan” took place in Baku

03 December 2018

Roundtable “Role of Women in Public Life of Azerbaijan” took place in Baku

The event brought together members of the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic, representatives of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-Speaking Countries, government bodies, prominent public figures, scientists, as well as representatives of civil society and journalists. IIMDD IPA CIS Baku Office also invited staff members of the IIMDD IPA CIS Bishkek and Chisinau offices for an exchange of views.

The roundtable discussed the issues on ongoing reforms in the Azerbaijan Republic in the sphere of ensuring gender equality in society, including due to the adopted and ratified legislative acts within the framework of Azerbaijan’s gender policy, implemented governmental programs and their outcomes, as well as specifics of women participation in the public life of the Azerbaijan Republic.

IPA CIS and TurkPA representatives shared their organizations’ experience in studying gender issues.

As the outcome of the discussion, the participants developed proposals for the development of quality indicators related to gender issues in the CIS space.