Short-term monitoring in the Republic of Moldova: work in progress

29 October 2016

Short-term monitoring in the Republic of Moldova: work in progress

IPA CIS Observer Team led by Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Alexey Sergeev met with Igor Dodon, a candidate running for presidency of the Republic of Moldova.

Igor Dodon shared his views on the current presidential campaign focusing on internal and external political factors that had influenced the switch to the model of general voting at presidential elections, as well as on the work of electoral authorities and the media coverage of the current election. He highlighted the existing issues related to the work of the media and set-up of the voting beyond Moldova.

The observers also met with Chair of the CEC of Moldova Alina Russu.

She pointed out the main features of the current election related to the switch to the general voting. She provided details on the CEC work at the final stage of the campaign emphasizing the principles of drafting and use of State Register of Voters.

Akramasho Felaliev and Alexey Sergeev shared on the results of the long-term monitoring effort and the work outlook of the Mission for the E-Day. They also expressed their views on the progress of the election campaign and discussed a number of issues related to submission and handling of complaints and ensuring suffrage rights of Moldovan citizens living in the Left Bank of the Dniester, and the organizing of voting at polling stations beyond Moldova.

In an interview, Alexey Sergeev mentioned that:

"The key value of IPA CIS observers' work is that outcomes of each mission are discussed at the IPA CIS Council which then presents its recommendations for parliaments on the improvement of legislation and managing the voting process".

Some of the suggestions that had been made after the monitoring mission of 2014 were taken into account during the current election campaign, added Alexey Sergeev.

Coordinator of the IPA CIS Observer Team, Vice Speaker of Majlisi Namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan Akramsho Felaliev:

"There were many relevant questions. We hope that the election will be held in compliance with international legal norms and the legislation of the Republic of Moldova".

On the Silence Day, Head of the CIS Observer Mission Alexey Sergeev visited precinct election offices. Together with Head of Office of the Mission Evgeny Sloboda, they visited the district electoral board of Chisinau municipality and met with its secretary Viorika Kobzarenko. Alexey Segreev shared some facts about the CIS Mission, its composition and the polling stations in other countries.