The observers from the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly held a set of meetings within the monitoring of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan elections

08 June 2019

The observers from the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly held a set of meetings within the monitoring of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan elections

In the first half of the day, the observers visited the campaign office of the Ak Zhol party, where they met with the candidate on a post of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Daniya Espaeva. The Group coordinator, Vice-Speaker of the FCFA Ilyas Umakhanov informed Daniya Espaeva about the activities of the group and its tasks which he set at the stage of short-term monitoring in Nur Sultan, in some regions of Kazakhstan, as well as at foreign voting stations. In response, Daniya Espaeva and members of her campaign office told about the party AK Zhol. Congress, there in a dramatic struggle, a woman was nominated as a candidate for President of Kazakhstan for the first time in the history. Daniya Espaeva also reported on the chosen tactics of the election campaign, in which she personally visited 12 regions of Kazakhstan, and she also reported on the work of the election offices which were based on the regional offices of The Ak Zhol party in all country regions.  

Members of the election office participating in the meeting, noted that the party aimed  to reduce administrative barriers to small and medium businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan, overcoming the difficulties faced by entrepreneurs when they starting a business and its implementation due to excessive control. Therefore, Daniya Espaeva considered that protecting the interests of private business is the most important goal among the challenges faced by modern Kazakhstan. In her opinion, during the pre-election period, the CEC and other authorities responsible for the elections had done an excellent job. The Ak Zhol party has no complaints or criticisms about their work.  

Later, Members of the CIS IPA observer group visited the CEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where they met with its Chairman Berik Imashev and other Members of the Central election Commission of Kazakhstan. At the beginning of the meeting, Ilyas Umakhanov handed over copies of the Report on the compliance legislation governing the special elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to international electoral law standards and the Report on long-term monitoring of the preparation and conduct of special elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Heads of the CEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He also spoke about the plans of the IPA CIS observers group in the Day of silence and directly on the day of voting on 9 June 2019. Berik Imashev described these elections as epochal, because the leader of the nation, the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev does not participate for the first time. CEC henced the great interest for this election by international observers registered 1the record number 1013 people, including 866 observers from nine international organizations and 147 observers from 41 foreign countries. Berik Imashev reported on the wide- spread system of informing Kazakhstan voters about the elections and the place of voting, which used television, radio, press, the Internet. The CEC also organized sending about 30 million SMS messages to voters informing about the different stages of preparation for the elections, for example, the date and time of voting. The Chairman of the CEC of the Republic of Kazakhstan answered the question about the role of national observers in the this elections and the possible difficulties faced by the Chairmen of local electoral  commissions in registering this category of observers, and about providing them with conditions for carrying out the mission.  

Coordinator of the group of observers from IPA CIS Ilyas Umakhanov also visited the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where he had a meeting with Chairman of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurlan Nigmatulin. The head of the lower chamber of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan assessed the role of international monitoring conducted by the Commonwealth of Independent States, including a group of IPA CIS international observers as objectively necessary to improve the practice of free and democratic elections in the Republic. During the conversation, it was noted that the legislators from Kazakhstan carefully assessed the views of international observers from the Interparliamentary Assembly and take it into account for improving the legal rules managing the process of organizing and holding elections. Ilyas Umakhanov drew the attention of Nurlan Nigmatulin to the unprecedented number of IPA CIS international observers— 432, of which 319 — from the Russian Federation, which indicates the attention of MPs of the CIS to the ongoing democratic processes in the Republic. He also informed the Chairman of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan about the plans of short-term monitoring conducted by a group of observers from IPA CIS on 7-9 June 2019.  

Also, members of the observer group visited the campaign office of the candidate for President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the party Nur Otan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, where they met the Head of the office Maulen Ashimbayev. The representative of the leadership of the governing party praised the activities of the CIS IPA in the development of model legislation, as well as the role of the IPA CIS IIMDD in monitoring elections and referendums in the post-Soviet space. He stressed that the three main slogans of the party and its candidate in this election campaign were Continuity, fairness, Progress. Nur Otan party conducted an intensive election campaign, relying on 17 regional centers and 210 district offices in all parts of Kazakhstan. The party attracted a large number of proxies at the national level (190 people), as well as at the level of territorial and local election commissions (more than 19,500 people) to participate in the campaign. According to the head of the election office, Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev supported the strengthening of Kazakhstan's partnership with the CIS Countries, as well as multi-vector foreign policy, which would allow the country to develop mutually beneficial relations with all neighboring countries, within the largest economies of the planet. A distinctive feature of the party's election strategy was the creation of a powerful youth wing of the election offices, which implemented hundreds of events addressed to young voters. At the end of the meeting, the head of the election office noted that the election campaign was held in accordance with international standards of free and fair elections, at all its stages, equality of candidates was ensured, and the CEC created a competitive environment without violating the rights of some candidates.  

  At the end of the program short term monitoring on 8 June, members of the IPA CIS group of observers, visited the headquarters of the Federation of trade unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where they met with the candidate for the post of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Republican public Association Federation of trade unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan Amangeldy Taspikhov and members of his campaign office . The coordinator of the observer group Ilyas Umakhanov informed Amangeldy Taspikhov about the results of the long-term monitoring conducted by the IPA CIS IIMDD experts, and also spoke about the first impressions of the short-term monitoring of the early elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The candidate for the post of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan reported that the Federation of trade unions, being the largest public organization of Kazakhstan, for the first time nominated its candidate in the presidential elections and now acquires the skills to participate in the election race. The main resources of the Federation of Trade Unions in these elections contained 2600 proxies, 5500 national observers, 90 permanent offices of the candidate in the regions, 18 000 primary trade Union organizations, many of them provided active assistance to the candidate in the elections. Amangeldy Taspikhov also noted that a significant part of the election campaign within the framework of this election campaign takes place in social networks and the Federation of Trade Unions has to take this into account in its campaigning activities. The candidate also shared his impressions of participation in the pre-election debates on TV, noting theirs intensity  and the need to further improve the format of such debates.