The results of the quiz among students of Universities of the CIS IPA Member States will be summed up in the Tavricheskiy Palace

11 June 2019

The results of the quiz among students of Universities of the CIS IPA Member States will be summed up in the Tavricheskiy Palace

13 June 2019 in the Reading Hall of the Tavricheskiy Palace will be held the ceremony of summarizing and announcement of the winners of the quiz among students of higher educational institutions of the IPA CIS Member Nations on the issues of electoral law and process. 

The ceremony of summing up the results of the quiz will be held i in the format of multilateral teleconference with the assistance of the Sputnik news Agency. The Reading Hall will gather the organizers of the quiz, as well as jury members, winners and prize-winners of the quiz from universities of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. 

Also 5 platforms Baku (Azerbaijan Republic), Yerevan (Republic of Armenia), Nur Sultan (Republic of Kazakhstan), Bishkek (Kyrghyz Republic), Chisinau (Republic of Moldova) will take part in the videoconference.

Members of the National organizing committees and the jury of the quiz, representatives of Universities of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region will talk about how the event was held in their institutions, they also will present the winners and prize-winners. 

The videoconference will provide an opportunity for future colleagues and rivals in the national teams to get acquainted with each other, to get the necessary selection of scientific information on the topic of the debate, compiled by experts of the IPA CIS IIMDD, which will help them to prepare for the September discussion. 

More than 500 students of higher educational institutions of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg and Leningrad region) took part in the quiz.  

The organizers of the event were the International Institute of Monitoring Democracy Development, Parliamentarism and the electoral rights of citizens of the States — participants CIS, including branches of IPA CIS IIMDD and the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

From the winners of the quiz will be formed teams of CIS member States and the team of Universities of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region (SPbU, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russian state Pedagogical University named after Herzen, Leningrad state University named after A. S. Pushkin, RANEPA) to participate in the scientific debate on the International day of democracy, which will be held in September 2019 at the site of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS.