Meeting of IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Defense and Security Issues Takes Place in Tavricheskiy Palace

28 October 2021

Meeting of IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Defense and Security Issues Takes Place in Tavricheskiy Palace

A meeting of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Defense and Security Issues took place in the Tavricheskiy Palace via videoconferencing.

The event brought together the MPs of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, developers of draft documents and experts.

The meeting participants unanimously elected Deputy Speaker of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan Adil Aliyev and Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Hakob Arshakyan as Deputy Chairs of the Permanent Commission.

The members of the Permanent Commission took an active part in the discussion of the draft Model Law on National Security, and having considered the proposals and comments received from the parliaments of the IPA CIS Member Nations, decided to resubmit the draft Model Law to the legislative bodies of the CIS Member Nations to obtain expert opinions.

The Commission members also considered the draft amendments to the Model Laws on Border Security, on the State Border, on Border Agencies (Forces) prepared by the Joint Chiefs of Border Guards, and the draft Model Law on a Unified System of Calling Emergency Response Services, developed by the Working group of the Saint-Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia. The meeting participants decided to submit the draft documents to parliaments to obtain expert opinions.