Science and Education Law-Making Discussed in Tavricheskiy Palace

09 October 2020

Science and Education Law-Making Discussed in Tavricheskiy Palace

On 8 October 2020, a meeting of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Science and Education took place in the Tavricheskiy Palace - the headquarters of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The meeting, led by Chair of the Permanent Commission, Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Lilia Gumerova, brought together the MPs from the Azerbaijan Republic - Bahtiyar Aliev, Kamila Alieva, Agia Nakhchivan, the Republic of Belarus - Igor Marzalyuk, the Republic of Kazakhstan - Dinar Nuketayeva, Abdimanap Bekturganov, the Republic of Moldova - Vladimir Bolea, the Russian Federation - Oleg Smolin, the Republic of Tajikistan - Sodiki Nurullozoda and the Republic of Uzbekistan – Odiljon Iminov. The meeting was also attended by Secretary General – Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Dmitry Kobitskiy, and his deputies - Plenipotentiary Representatives of the parliaments of the Azerbaijan Republic – Aidyn Jafarov, the Republic of Belarus – Viktor Kogut, the Republic of Kazakhstan – Askhat Nuskabaj, the Kyrgyz Republic – Nurbek Satvaldiev, the Russian Federation – Irina Sokolova, other IPA CIS staff members, as well as researchers and experts.

The Commission discussed establishing of an expert advisory board in the field of science and education under the IPA CIS, and also analyzed the state, opportunities, risks and prospects of legal regulation of education digitalization.

The MPs also considered progress on the draft Recommendations on the Legislative Support of Modern Pharmaceutical Education in CIS Member Nations. One of the draft developers, rector of the St. Petersburg State University of Chemistry and Pharmacy Igor Narkevich noted that since the formation of the pharmaceutical education system, significant changes in the training of specialists had taken place and today there is a need for harmonization of education in this area. Based on the results of the discussion, the members of the Commission decided to send the draft law to the relevant committees and commissions of parliaments to obtain expert opinions.

Furthermore, the MPs were briefed on approaches to the development of the draft Model Law on the Commercialization of the Results of Intellectual Activity. Developer, the Special Design Bureau of Computer-Aided Design Systems, was asked to continue improving the draft law and report on the progress at the next meeting of the Commission.

The meeting also discussed the issues of the international cultural and educational forum of the CIS Member Nations “Children of the Commonwealth” and the First Open Children’s Delphic Games of the Commonwealth.

The meeting also provided information on the relevant issues of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and education, on changes to the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education in connection with the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, on the use of model laws and other documents of the IPA CIS in the field of science and education in law-making of the parliaments of the Commonwealth.

In addition, the Commission got acquainted with the activities of the International Association of Academies of Science and outlined the prospects for cooperation of the IPA CIS with this organization.

The meeting also re-elected Chairperson of the Standing Commission on Education, Culture and Science of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Igor Marzalyuk for a new term as Deputy Chair of the Permanent Commission. Chairperson of the Committee on Science and Education of the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic Bahtiyar Aliev was also elected as Deputy Chair of the Permanent Commission.