Fifth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians on Promoting sustainability, protecting the interests of future generations took place in Baku

14 December 2018

Fifth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians on Promoting sustainability, protecting the interests of future generations took place in Baku

The Fifth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians took place in Baku, Azerbaijan Republic. The Conference was co-organized by Inter-Parliamentary Union and Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Speaker of the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic Ogtay Asadov addressed the meeting.

During the two days, young MPs from all over the world, youth-led organizations and other participants, will discuss innovative, sustainable solutions to key problems related to tomorrow’s world.

The event gives young parliamentarians an opportunity to share ideas and experiences, and shape a common vision to ensure prosperity and well-being of future generations.

The outcome will provide the basis for IPU's 2018 report on the expansion of youth representation in national parliaments.