IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Economy Discusses Commonwealth’s Economic Security Issues

02 October 2019

IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Economy Discusses Commonwealth’s Economic Security Issues

The event brought together parliamentarians, academics and experts from the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, as well as the representatives of the CIS Executive Committee and the IPA CIS Council Secretariat, including Deputy Secretaries General – Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Askhat Nuskabaj and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation – Irina Sokolova.

The meeting was opened by Chairman of the IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Economy, Rector of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics Igor Maksimtsev. He flagged the main topic of the event – economic security in the Commonwealth. The speakers touched upon the issues related to the CIS strategic development, legislative and theoretical dimensions of the CIS economic security, the CIS food security, new challenges and threats for ensuring financial security of Eurasian integration, etc.

Following the exchange of opinions on the relevant issues, the members of the Board considered the proposals for the development of the Long-term Plan of Model Law-Making in the CIS for 2020–2022. Head of the Department of Economic Theory of the School of Economics of St. Petersburg State University Viktor Ryazanov and Professor of the Department of General Economics and History of Economic Thinking of the Faculty of Economics and Finance of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics Sergei Dyatlov highlighted the need to develop model legislation in the areas related to innovative development of the states, primarily – in the field of digitalization.

Viktor Ryazanov reminded his colleagues that the IPA CIS had already made a number of important steps in that direction with the adoption of the CIS Model Innovation Code and model laws on Joint Research and Cooperation in Development and Manufacturing of Innovative Products (Services), on Strategic Forecasting and Planning Documents, on State Industrial Policy, etc.

The experts proposed a number of draft laws to be included into the Draft Long-term Plan of Model Law-Making in the CIS for 2020–2022 on behalf of the IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Economy: on Digital Space, Its Infrastructure and Regulation in CIS, on CIS Technology Transfer and Measures for its Promotion and Regulation, on Establishment of the Fund for Joint Research and Cooperation in the Field of CIS Scientific and Technological Development, on Creation of Single CIS Information Space, on CIS Digital Industrial Transformation, etc.