Young parliamentarians from the CIS countries have joined the spring session of the YIPA CIS

19 May 2016

Young parliamentarians from the CIS countries have joined the spring session of the YIPA CIS

The 7th session of the Youth Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations (YIPA CIS) took place today in the Tavricheskiy Palace, the headquarters of the IPA CIS.

During the session the participants heard the reports of youth parliamentary delegations about modern trends in the development of youth parliamentarism in their respective states. The participants also started drafting recommendations for the CIS countries on how to build an effective model of youth parliament.

The participants also analyzed legislative initiatives of the YIPA CIS at the IPA CIS Permanent Commissions. The YIPA CIS had already successfully initiated a few legislative projects.

The delegates also discussed the implementation of social projects and analyzed possible cooperation with the Eurasian Youth Assembly.

Bakhtiyar Maken, member of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Committee on Economic Reform and Regional Development of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, became the new Coordinator of the YIPA CIS.

He stressed that his focus would be effective work, interaction with young parliamentarians and exchange of best practices.

On 20 May the YIPA CIS members will take part in the 44th Plenary Session of the IPA CIS.