IPA CIS Council Chairperson met with UN Secretary-General

16 June 2016

IPA CIS Council Chairperson met with UN Secretary-General

In the margins of the XX St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council Valentina Matvienko met with UN Secretary-Gene Ban Ki-Moon.

The meeting focused on the two key topics – cooperation of states on the UN platform and Russia's role in the UN activities.

"There is no alternative to the UN", said Valentina Matvienko.

Valentina Matvienko and Ban Ki-Moon touched upon the global climate change issue, noting the significance of the Paris Agreement which should replace the Kyoto Protocol, and shared on addressing new challenges and threats.

Sanctions against parliamentarians were also discussed at the meeting. "Sanctions against MPs and heads of parliament undermine inter-parliamentary dialogue", stressed Valentina Matvienko.