Message of the IPA CIS Council Chairperson

09 May 2016

Message of the IPA CIS Council Chairperson

                                                           Message of the IPA CIS Council Chairperson

Dear Veterans of the Great Patriotic War,

May I offer my sincere congratulations on the Victory in the Great Patriotic War!

The 9th of May is the main holiday for everyone; it is full of joy and grief at the same time. The Soviet people paid a high price for the victory over the Hitlerite fascism: millions of perished soldiers and civilians, destroyed cities, starvation, devastated lands. And we stood up for freedom and independence of our homeland, we brought the foe to a halt near Moscow and Stalingrad, we overcame the Siege of Leningrad, we defeated the fascists in all strategic areas and brought freedom to occupied European countries and the Soviet Union.

The memory of the Great Patriotic War is engraved in our hearts and passes to next generations. It finds itself in major and minor accomplishments aimed at prosperity and wellbeing. It is this sacred memory that cherishes the deeds of valour and unparalleled feat of the nation.

Our grateful thanks go to the Veterans and the home front workers of the Great Patriotic War! And may the memory of those perished live forever!

May I wish you and your families health, peace and well-being!

Happy Victory Day!

                                                                                                                                         Valentina Matvienko