Message of the IPA CIS Council Chairperson on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War

22 June 2016

Message of the IPA CIS Council Chairperson on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War

Dear Friends!

This year marks 75 years since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 – the most brutal war against our multi-ethnic nation.

22 June 1941 is a tragic day of lasting significance in the Russian history. Every year on this day we pay tribute to the fallen and the victims of starvation and hardships – those who gave their lives for the scared mission to protect their Homeland. The CIS nations will never forget the immense price of Victory which brought freedom and independence and will always be proud that it was the Soviet people who defeated Fascism, saving many nations from oppression and destruction. Decades later, the historic truth about those realities is carefully reproduced across generations. The Immortal Regiment patriotic initiative, time and again organized in multiple cities of the world, testifies for the perpetuity of descendants' memories of the veterans' labor which awarded a living to millions of people globally. There is no measure enough to the debt we owe to them today.

May forever shine the glory of the heroes who saved our country, the nations of Europe and the entire world from Fascism! May the victors be remembered forever!