Valentina Matvienko: "Environmental education is personal commitment of each person"

25 May 2017

Valentina Matvienko:

IPA CIS Council Chairperson, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko took part in the opening of the XII St. Petersburg International Book Fair.

The Fair is attracting a bigger attention every year and has become a good tradition, noted Valentina Matvienko. The two focuses of the Fair this year is the Centenary of the Russian Revolution and the Year of Ecology.

Valentina Matvienko mentioned that the theme of the VIII Nevsky International Ecological Congress that had started its work in the Tavrichesky Palace entitled Environmental Education – A Clean Country was closely linked to books and knowledge. She added that the cause of preserving natural assets had always attracted many scholars.

She stressed the importance of instilling good treatment and care for nature. "Instilling responsible attitude in every citizen will define in which state we will leave the planet to our children. Preserving the beauty of nature for future generations is our common duty", said Valentina Matvienko.

In her words, the first national protected park was created in Russia in 1917. Since then, Russia has been developing the network of protected areas.

"The number of protected parks in Russia has doubled in the recent years which confirms that the government is committed to preserving unique locations of our country", added the IPA CIS Council Chairperson.