Valentina Matvienko: "IPA CIS is leading by example in its effort against reviewing the history"

17 April 2015

Valentina Matvienko:

Sergey Lebedev, Chairman of the CIS Execom – cum – Executive Secretary of the CIS, Alexey Sergeev, IPA CIS Council Secretary General, War veterans, representatives of CSTO, YPA, international organizations, diplomatic missions and city government attended the Session.

In her address to the Assembly, Valentina Matvienko noted that the current trend of breaking the close ties among nations is causing attacks at the historical integrity of War and the emergence of racial and inter-ethnic hatred, anti-Russian sentiment and Nazism. “That said, inter-parliamentary platforms face a greater responsibility and the IPA CIS has had an impressive record in promoting common action in this regard”, she said.

The session expressed appreciation to the IPA CIS and the CIS parliaments for the initiatives to commemorate the War legacy such as the Living Memories Tour, the Green Wave, St. George Ribbon, etc.

A gala-concert followed the session. The military brass, opera singers and actors offered melodies and performances on War themes.