Address of Mahmud Erol Kilic at the commemorative plenary session of the IPA CIS dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the Victory

17 April 2015

Address of Mahmud Erol Kilic at the commemorative plenary session of the IPA CIS dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the Victory

Excellencies Speakers of Parliaments and Heads of Delegations,
Ladies and Gentlemen

I feel profound pleasure to participate, on behalf of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC), in this qualitative celebration of the seventieth anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
That victory was a victory for peace in the wake of the horrors of war during which millions of people perished and similar numbers suffered dispersion; it depleted human resources and devastated the infrastructures of countries. The price of peace and security was exceptionally high. In order to establish peace and security world-wide the United Nations Organization has been established, and together with its specialized agencies is striving to this day to consolidate security and peace and enhance coexistence among peoples on an equal footing.

Opting for, and preserving of, peace is a duty on all states and peoples. Renunciation of war and hostilities, on the other hand, makes it incumbent on the international community to eliminate them completely. Many regions of our world experience today exceptional circumstances in which they lose security and tranquility, and their citizens are exposed to killing and terror as well as all acts that debase the status of human beings, their values and ability to live in dignity. Violations of human rights are concomitant to the breakdown of law and order which is prevailing in unstable areas of the world. The Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) is always condemning and denouncing all forms of terrorism and extremism which have become a cause of concern and a nightmare for the entire humanity. Therefore it is necessary for the international community, represented in its various groupings to seriously act and ceasely search for the most effective way to uproot terrorism and extremism, and to cooperate to eliminate them and stop their propagation.

Your august Assembly, and the whole humanity, are praiseworthy for celebrating this anniversary which symbolizes peace and stability. We view it as a great occasion and remembrance for emphasizing holding onto peace with all our might.
Through peace humanity realizes its aspirations and hopes in dignified living, progress, and prosperity.
Thank you for listening.