Voting for the best title of the Second Eurasian Women's Forum is now open

07 August 2017

Voting for the best title of the Second Eurasian Women's Forum is now open

The Second Eurasian Women's Forumwill take place in September 2018 in St. Petersburg. The Forum will bring together MPs, representative of executive authorities, business community, academia, NGOs from various countries including member nations of CIS, SCO, BRICS, EU, and the Asian Pacific Region.

The voting to select the best title for the Eurasian Women's Forum has been opened on the internet portal of the Eurasian Women's Society, the official information agency of the Forum.

The Forum is a unique platform focusing on building a unified environment of harmony, peace, social justice, common values and equal opportunities for everyone.

The title of the Forum should propose the most accurate definition of the role of women in this event, be overarching and emphatic, and, along setting the mood of the event, become a focal point for its agenda.

The first Eurasian Women's Forum took place in 2015 and gathered around 700 female participants from 80 countries.

CIS Interparliamentary Assembly and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation are the organizers of the Forum.

IPA CIS Chairperson, Speaker of the Federation Council Vaentina Matvienko is also President of the Organizing Committee of the Eurasian Women's Forum.