Activities of IPA CIS Presented at First St. Petersburg Congress of International Studies

11 November 2022

Activities of IPA CIS Presented at First St. Petersburg Congress of International Studies

Deputy Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Aleksey Dolzhikov spoke at the opening of the First St. Petersburg Congress of International Studies “Global and Regional Challenges in the Changing World”. He presented the activities of the Assembly and its consolidating role across the Commonwealth during the global transformation.

The congress takes place on 10-12 November on the platform of St. Petersburg State University and brings together specialists studying history, world politics, law and economics. Experts discuss global and regional problems of modern international relations.

Alexey Dolzhikov welcomed the participants of the event on behalf of Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Dmitriy Kobitskiy and focused on the key activities of the IPA CIS and its relations with international partners. He recalled that next year St. Petersburg would become the Cultural Capital of the Commonwealth and noted that the Assembly planned to hold an international forum “St. Petersburg – the Parliamentary Capital of the Commonwealth” (on the occasion of the 320th anniversary of St. Petersburg).