Dmitriy Kobitskiy Met with Consul General of People’s Republic of China in Saint Petersburg

11 June 2024

Dmitriy Kobitskiy Met with Consul General of People’s Republic of China in Saint Petersburg

On 11 June 2024, at the Tavricheskiy Palace — the headquarters of the  IPA CIS — a meeting was held between Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Dmitriy Kobitskiy and Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Saint Petersburg Luo Zhanhui.

Dmitriy Kobitskiy informed about the activities of the IPA CIS and its cooperation with international organizations., highlighted the development and deepening of relations with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. In September 2024, the CIS Anti-Terrorism Center, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the IPA CIS will hold an International Conference on Anti-Terrorism in Uzbekistan.

Dmitriy Kobitskiy  also mentioned active cooperation of the Assembly with such associations of legislators as the Parliamentary Union of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States, the Asian Parliamentary Assembly, the Latin American, Central American, and Pan-African Parliaments.

Dmitriy Kobitskiy spoke about the development of youth projects of the IPA CIS and large international events held at the Assembly's headquarters. He specifically noted the 10th BRICS Parliamentary Forum, which will be held on 11–12 July in Saint Petersburg.

The Consul General of China noted the importance of the work carried out at the Assembly's platform. Luo Zhanhui mentioned that cooperation between legislative bodies creates a basis for the development of bilateral and multilateral relations. He stressed that China fruitfully cooperates with all countries participating in the IPA CIS.

During the conversation, there was an exchange of views on current issues of interparliamentary dialogue and prospective areas of cooperation.

Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the IPA CIS Council Alexey Dolzhikov and Head of the Department for international relations of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat, Secretary of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Political Issues and International Cooperation Maksimilian Selyutin participated in the meeting.