Emerging Trends in Environmental Agenda Discussed at Forum in Moscow

05 June 2024

Emerging Trends in Environmental Agenda Discussed at Forum in Moscow

The XV International Forum “Ecology” took place in Moscow. The event, timed to coincide with the Ecologist Day and World Environment Day, discussed current environmental issues and shaped the guidelines for state policy in the field of environmental protection and natural resource management.

The forum was attended by representatives of the authorities, public and commercial organisations, the scientific community, independent experts, and eco-activists more than 1200 people from various regions of Russia, as well as 10 CIS countries and other states.

The forum opened with a plenary session titled “Ecology as a New Economy: Increasing the Attractiveness of Green Approaches in Production, Consumption, and Lifestyle.” A strategic session on “Popularisation of Environmental Education” also took place.

During the two-day business program, more than 30 discussions were held on six thematic areas: healthy environment, circular economy, industrial ecologization, climate change, sustainability tools, and nature conservation.

The business program was complemented by an exhibition showcasing successful projects and technological innovations in waste recycling, nature conservation, ensuring environmental safety, and reducing negative environmental impacts.

Following the forum, a resolution was drafted, consolidating the participants' proposals and recommendations. The document will be sent to the Russian authorities.

The IPA CIS was represented at the event by Secretary of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources, and Ecology and Secretary of the Expert Advisory Board on Ecology and Environmental Management, Natalia Amburtseva.

The International Forum “Ecology” annually sets the benchmarks for improving state policy in the field of environmental protection, identifies key environmental problems, and creates conditions for open dialogue between the authorities, society, and business.

The event was organized by the Autonomous Non-profit Organization Center for Environmental Initiatives “Ecology” with the support of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, and other relevant ministries and departments.