IPA CIS Council Secretariat and Pushkin Leningrad State University Signed Cooperation Agreement
07 June 2023
The Secretariat of the Council of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly and Pushkin Leningrad State University signed a cooperation agreement. The Agreement was signed by Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Dmitriy Kobitskiy and Rector of the University Grigoriy Dvas.
The Agreement provides for various forms of cooperation between organizations, such as holding joint research and practice conferences, symposiums and seminars, implementing common scientific projects.
Pushkin Leningrad State University trains qualified teachers, economists, lawyers, managers, ecologists, psychologists and other specialists in the humanities and natural sciences. It consists of 11 faculties, research institutes, laboratories, research and educational centers.
Deputy Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat – IPA CIS IIMDD Director Ivan Musket and Vice-Rector of Pushkin Leningrad State University for Educational Work, Youth Policy and Public Relations Vladimir Zhuravlev took part in the signing ceremony.