IPA CIS IIMDD: More than 100 Electoral Campaigns for Over 17 years

10 February 2023

IPA CIS IIMDD: More than 100 Electoral Campaigns for Over 17 years

The International Institute for Monitoring Democracy Development, Parliamentarianism and Suffrage Protection of Citizens of IPA CIS Member Nations (IPA CIS IIMDD) was established by IPA CIS Council on 10 February 2006. The IPA CIS IIMDDis the main platform for sharing lessons learned and advanced experience in the field of electoral administration and electoral legislation improvement within the framework of the Commonwealth.

IPA CIS representatives have been participating in the electoral process monitoring since 1994. Over the years it has become one of the main responsibilities of the Assembly that resulted in the establishment of a special unit.

The institute has become a consultative body of the IPA CIS. Its representatives provide expert support for IPA CIS international observers. The institute has developed its own unique observation methodology.

The IIMDD experts work on fundamentally new digital monitoring algorithms. legal framework laws regulate this field. At the CIS IPA autumn meeting held in October 2022, the participants adopted a large set of laws related to international monitoring of elections and referenda, implementation of automation hardware and countering foreign interference in national elections and referenda.

For 17 years, institute representatives have participated in election and referendum monitoring more than 100 times in the IPA CIS countries and outside the Commonwealth.

The successful work of the institute is encouraged by the work of offices in Baku, Bishkek, Yerevan and Chisinau.

IPA CIS IIMDD exchanges information and takes part in joint events with central electoral commissions of the CIS Member Nations, as well as with other inter-parliamentary institutions.

The Institute has delevoped a comprehensive program of work with youth. The program is aimed at overcoming nihilism and youth absenteeism and promoting active citizenship.

The IPA CIS IIMDD holds student debates, internet competitions and takes part in the organization of the Youth parliamentary school. The educational course “International observation of elections and referendums” developed by the IPA CIS IIMDDis included in the curriculum of the School of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University.

The institution examines democratic processes, makes conclusions on native traditions and mindset of the CIS peoples whichresults in the IIMDD high credibility.