Aidyn Jafarov took part in the 53rd General Assembly of the PABSEC in Baku

21 June 2019

Aidyn Jafarov took part in the 53rd General Assembly of the PABSEC in Baku

The 53rd General Assembly of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) continued in the capital of the Azerbaijan Republic. Deputy Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council – Plenipotentiary Representative of the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republi Aidyn Jafarov took part in the session.

In his welcoming speech, Aidyn Jafarov stressed our interest in further development and strengthening of relations with the PABSEC.

The CIS Interparliamentary Assembly is always open for dialogue, and our parliamentarians are ready to cooperate so bilaterally, as multilaterally to strengthen the role of parliamentarism in the modern world.

Deputy SG of the IPA CIS Council Aidyn Jafarov told about IPA CIS activities in the sphere of countering international terrorism: "On 18 April 2019 at the IPA CIS HQ hosted the Conference on Combating International Terrorism, organized by the IPA CIS jointly with the PA OSCE, PACE, PAM, CSTO, IPU, UNODC and UNOCT ". Effective counteraction to terrorism and violent extremism is a common interest and priority of the international community, including parliamentary institutions with the obligatory observance of international human rights standards.

Aidyn Jafarov focused on International Day of Parliamentarism, celebrated on June 30th and established by the UN General Assembly resolution by the initiative of IPA CIS and IPU.

Assembly re-elected Asaf Hajiyev as a PABSEC SG for the next five-year term. The Assembly also elected new PABSEC Chair Deputies: Eldar Guliyev (Azerbaijan Republic), Violetta Ivanova (Republic of Moldova), Lyudmila Bokova (Russian Federation) and Igor Becic (Republic of Serbia).