Anniversary Summit of the CIS Heads of State ends in Bishkek

16 September 2016

Anniversary Summit of the CIS Heads of State ends in Bishkek

Leaders of the CIS member nations came together in the state residence Ala Archa for the anniversary meeting of the Council of the CIS Heads of State.

The concise agenda of the meeting included four items: Statement of the CIS Member Nations on the 25th anniversary of the Commonwealth, on the adaptation of the CIS to the new realities, on the CIS chairmanship, on hosting the regular session of the CIS Council of Heads of State. The agenda of the extended anniversary session included 11 items.

The participants of the Summit adopted the Program of Cooperation in Combating Terrorism and Other Violent Forms of Extremism in 2017-2019, the Program of Cooperation of the CIS Member Nations in Combating Cyber-Crimes in 2016-2020, etc.

The extended session adopted statements of CIS Heads of State on the 25th Anniversary of the Commonwealth, on the 70th Anniversary of the End of Nuremberg Tribunal, on further efforts to combat international terrorism, and the statement on the outcomes of the Special Session of the UN General Assembly on the World Drug Problem which took place in April this year.

The CIS leaders also adopted the Convention on Cross-Regional Cooperation of the CIS Member Nations, drafted and submitted for approval by the IPA CIS.

The CIS leaders also adopted the decisions on the role of the Russian Federation as the new chair of the CIS in 2017, on the next session of the CIS Council of Heads of State in October 2017 in Moscow, and on the adaptation of the CIS to the new realities.

IPA CIS Council Secretary General Alexey Sergeev attended the Session.