Regular meeting of the CIS Council of MFAs in Bishkek

16 September 2016

Regular meeting of the CIS Council of MFAs in Bishkek

The regular meeting of the CIS Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs took place in the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic in the run-up to the Anniversary Summit of the CIS Heads of State.

The participants discussed current issues of multi-lateral cooperation within the Commonwealth, further practical measures to enhance cooperation in the CIS space, and the improvement of regional and international presence of the organization.

The ministers approved draft CIS Statements on the 25th Anniversary of the Commonwealth, on the 70th Anniversary of the End of Nuremberg Tribunal, as well as on countering international terrorism and the global drug problem.

The meeting also focused on optimizing the work and improving efficiency of the CIS, enhancing cooperation in the humanitarian field and the engagement in law-enforcement, combating terrorism and violent forms of extremism, cyber-crime, organized crime.

The heads of foreign offices also approved the draft CIS Convention on Cross-Regional Cooperation introduced by the IPA CIS Secretary General Alexey Sergeev attending the meeting. The draft Convention has the purpose to overcome economic barriers compromising mutual cooperation and further development of cross-regional ties considering current objectives.

The parties agreed to hold the next Summit in April 2017 in Tashkent.