Current issues of parliamentarianism discussed in the Tavricheskiy Palace

06 December 2018

Current issues of parliamentarianism discussed in the Tavricheskiy Palace

The plenary session of the XII Annual International Scientific Conference Current Issues of Parliamentarianism: History and Modernity (Readings in the Tavricheskiy 2018) took place in the Duma Hall.

Chairperson of the Conference Organizing Committee, Director of the IPA CIS Research Center of Parliamentary History Lidia Krokhina, opened the plenary session with a report on the history of the Duma Hall.

Secretary General – Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Yuriy Osipov, on behalf of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat, welcomed the participants and guests of the event in the Tavricheskiy Palace, and noted the importance and relevance of the Conference theme.

The Conference was attended by scientists from many cities of Russia, as well as experts from the Republic of Belarus, Germany and Poland.

More than 80 experts in the history of parliamentarianism will work in the Tavricheskiy Palace. They will report at the sections, take part in discussions and other events of the Conference.