First issue of the international research journal Dialogue: Politics, Law, Economics

23 June 2016

First issue of the international research journal Dialogue: Politics, Law, Economics

The first article of the issue entitled CIS: Results and Next Steps is authored by its editor-in-chief – Head of Research of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ruslan Grinberg.

The journal has 3 sections: Politics, Law, Economics.

The Politics section contains articles by Avtandil Arabaev and Aruna Berenalieva about democracy in the Kyrgyz Republic, by Yuriy Kosov and Andrey Toropyghin about model law-making, by Irlan Iskakov about the Republic of Tajikistan in the political landscape of the modern Eurasia, and by Muratala Dzhamanbaev about integration in education.

The Law section has offered an article by Davron Muhamadiev about model law-making in the field of emergency situations and theoretical study of Nikolay Mayurov and Darya Alymova focused on the right to education within the legal frameworks of the Russian Federation and of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Articles by Boris Boravskiy and Matvey Cherepanov on harmonizing approaches to the implementation of best available technologies in the CIS, by Mushfig Guliev about economic diversification Azerbaijan, by Viktor Kilin about foreign economic aspects of the Eurasian integration, and by Valeriya Baineva about the industrial capacities in the EEU are contained in the Economics section.

The IPA CIS Council took the decision to publish the journal in November 2015.

The journal's ISSN registration is currently pending. The information about the articles is expected to be included in the Russian Science Citation Index.

The second issue is scheduled for September 2016.