The International Cultural and Educational Forum of the CIS countries Children of the Commonwealth has completed its work

06 July 2017

The International Cultural and Educational Forum of the CIS countries Children of the Commonwealth has completed its work

The annual International Cultural and Educational Forum of the CIS countries Children of the Commonwealth has completed its work.

On July 4, the Forum was attended by Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian FederationValentina Matvienko and member of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrghyz Republic Chynybai Tursunbekov. They took part in the awards ceremony for the winners of the forum's events and answered for children questions.

 During the entire period of the forum, from June 26 to July 6, children actively participated in master classes, quizzes, competitions, debates, round tables, sports competitions, exchanged knowledge and skills.

Each delegation presented their advertising and information project (a business card of the country): video clips, collages, posters, dance numbers and theatrical productions, which telling about the cultural traditions of the nation.