Yuriy Osipov met with Sergey Lebedev at the IPA CIS HQ

23 May 2018

Yuriy Osipov met with Sergey Lebedev at the IPA CIS HQ

IPA CIS Secretary General Yuriy Osipov met with Chairman of the Executive Committee and CIS Executive Secretary Sergey Lebedev in the Tavrichesky Palace – the IPA CIS HQ.

During the meeting, the parties discussed a wide range of issues of cooperation in various spheres of the Commonwealth between the IPA CIS and the CIS Executive Committee.

Yuriy Osipov expressed confidence in further fruitful cooperation of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly and the CIS Executive Committee.

Sergey Lebedev thanked the IPA CIS for the active participation of international observers in the CIS missions on monitoring the elections during the past year.