Yuriy Osipov congratulated “Vmeste-RF” channel staff members on the 5th anniversary

07 November 2018

Yuriy Osipov congratulated “Vmeste-RF” channel staff members on the 5th anniversary

Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Yuriy Osipov met with Deputy Director of the Federation Council “Vmeste-RF” channel, Head of the independent branch of the Federation Council “Vmeste-RF” channel in St. Petersburg Gennady Krylov.

The IPA CIS Secretary General congratulated Vmeste-RF channel on the 5th anniversary and presented Gennady Krylov with honorary certificates of the IPA CIS Council and of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat for the channel staff members, actively participating in the IPA CIS activities and contributing to strengthening relations among the CIS nations.

Yuriy Osipov commended the cooperation between Vmeste-RF channel and the IPA CIS, noting the channel's outstanding contribution in the coverage of the Assembly activities, providing live broadcasts of plenary sessions taking place in the Dumsky Hall, press-conferences, and informing the audience on the activities of the IPA CIS permanent commissions and international observers within the monitoring missions.

Gennady Krylov assured the IPA CIS Secretary General in the channel's commitment to working with the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly and invited Yuriy Osipov to draw the outcomes of the IPA CIS activities in 2018 in a .live interview.