55th Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Belarus-Russia Union State taking place in Moscow

21 December 2018

55th Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Belarus-Russia Union State taking place in Moscow

The event brought together Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Belarus-Russia Union State, Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, First Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Belarus-Russia Union State, Speaker of the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Andreychenko, deputy chairs of the Parliamentary Assembly, chairs of the Parliamentary Assembly committees, as well as State Secretary of the Union State Grigoriy Rapota. The session is also attended by heads of parliament of the observer states: Speaker of the Parliament if the Republic South Osetia Pyotr Gassiev and Speaker of the National Assembly – Parliament of the Republic of Abkhazia Valery Kvarchiya. The IPA CIS is represented by Deputy Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council – Plenipotentiary Representative of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askhat Nuskabaj.

At the first meeting of the 55th Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Belarus-Russia Union State the first reading of the Draft Decree of the Supreme State Council of the Union State “Budget of the Union State for 2019” was carried out.

Besides, the issue on the activity of the Youth Chamber at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Belarus-Russia Union State is also on the agenda of the Session. The representatives of the Youth Chamber are taking part at the meeting.

The Agreement on the Establishment of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Belarus-Russia Union State was signed on 29 April 1996 in St. Petersburg in the margins of the meeting of the Heads of Parliament of the Republic Belarus and Russian Federation. The Parliamentary Assembly was assigned with the function of developing draft legislative acts and submitting proposals to legislative bodies.