75th Anniversary of Victory: How Citizens of Uzbekistan Fought and Helped Others to Survive in War

07 May 2020

75th Anniversary of Victory: How Citizens of Uzbekistan Fought and Helped Others to Survive in War

On the eve of the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly publishes materials on how the fraternal republics fought the invaders, the important role each republic played in the struggle for freedom. Uzbekistan sent more than 1,5 million people to the frontline and became the second home for hundreds of thousands of evacuees.

Sparing no Lives

Over 1,5 million out of the 6,5 million Uzbekistan citizens participated in the most monstrous war in human history. More than half a million died in battles, almost 133 thousand gone missing, over 60 thousand returned with disabilities.

More than 120 thousand soldiers and officers from Uzbekistan were awarded orders and medals, 280 citizens became the Heroes of the Soviet Union, 82 were awarded three classes of the Order of Glory.

Everything for Victory

Already in 1941, the national economy of the Republic was converted for military purposes. More than 100 industrial enterprises were evacuated to Uzbekistan, and 280 more were built at an accelerated rate.

Despite the acute shortage of personnel, lack of fuel, raw materials and equipment, 63 enterprises of Tashkent and 230 other factories of the Republic began to produce defense products in December 1941.

Home for Orphans

“The best qualities of Uzbek people – humanism, mercy and cordial generosity – were most clearly manifested in the war years. The Republic citizens warmly welcomed evacuees and resettled people of different nationalities. Children, women and the elderly were provided with shelter, material and moral support”, noted Chairman of the Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Defense and Security Kutbidin Burkhanov. Uzbek families adopted over 200 thousand orphans.

All-Union Hospital

During the war years, the Red Army soldiers underwent medical treatment and restored their fighting spirit in Uzbekistan, many of them returned to the battlefields with an unshakable will and faith in victory.

Victory Park

Victory Park will be built by the anniversary date in one of the most picturesque places of Tashkent – in the Almazar district. This initiative was announced at the meeting of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin during the official visit of the Russian President to Tashkent in October 2018.

At the same time, an official website www.warheroes.uz will be launched this year, where the information about citizens of Uzbekistan awarded with ranks and orders for dedication to the Motherland shown in the Second World War is available. In addition, an album devoted to the contribution of the Uzbek people to the Victory over fascism and presenting important historical facts is being prepared for publication.

Full texts of the materials on the life of the Republic of Uzbekistan during the Great Patriotic War are available in the latest issue of the “Dialogue” magazine