Commissions of Parliament of Republic of Moldova Drew Outcomes of Spring Session

07 August 2020

Commissions of Parliament of Republic of Moldova Drew Outcomes of Spring Session

In spring, 11 permanent commissions of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova met 185 times in total.

According to the statistical report of the press-service of the Parliament, the Commission on Law, Appointments and Immunities held 34 meetings, the Commission Agriculture and Food Industry held 19 meetings, the Commission on Foreign Policy and European Integration and the Public Finance Control Committee met 18 times each. The Commission on Social Protection, Health and Family held 17 meetings, the Commission on Economy, Budget and Finance and the Commission on Environment and Regional Development met 16 times each, the Commission on Culture, Education, Research, Youth, Sport and Mass Media held 15 meetings. The Commission on National Security, Defense and Public Order held 13 meetings, the Commission on Public Governance, Ecology and Regional Development – 10, the Commission on Human Rights – 9.

The parliamentary commissions adopted about 300 different documents and prepared 825 conclusions on the draft legal acts.

In addition, the MPs introduced 139 amendments to the draft documents under consideration.
