Day of Russian Federation

12 June 2024

Day of Russian Federation

On 12 June 1990, the First Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation. Since 1992, the Russian Federation has celebrated the Day of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation by resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, and in 2002, the holiday was renamed to Russia Day.

The adopted Declaration of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation proclaims the inalienable right of every resident of the country to a decent life, free development, and use of the language, and grants each nation the right to self-determination in their chosen national-state and national-cultural forms.

On the occasion of the holiday, Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko sent a congratulatory message. She noted that the multinational people of the country had always been united – in times of trials when defending their homeland from invaders, and in peaceful times when it was necessary to build the industrial power of the state and strengthen its socio-economic potential.

A solemn ceremony for the presentation of the State Prizes of the Russian Federation in the fields of science and technology, literature and art, as well as for outstanding achievements in human rights and charitable activities for 2023 will take place in the Kremlin. The President will also present gold medals of “Hero of Labour of the Russian Federation”.