Kyrgyz Republic Celebrates National Flag Day

03 March 2022

Kyrgyz Republic Celebrates National Flag Day

Every year, on 3 March, the Kyrgyz Republic Celebrates the National Flag Day. The holiday was established by the Decree of the President No. 270 on the National Flag of the Kyrgyz Republic of 10 June 2009 in order to bring up patriotism and respect for the national symbols among the citizens.

The national flag of the Kyrgyz Republic represents a red cloth, in the center of which there is a round solar disk with forty evenly diverging golden rays. A tundyuk of a Kyrgyz yurt is depicted in red inside the solar disk. The red color of the flag symbolizes valor and courage, the golden sun, bathing in its rays, personifies peace and wealth, and the tyundyuk serves as a symbol of the father’s house, in a broader sense – the world as a universe. Forty beams united in a circle mean the unification of forty ancient tribes into a single state.