Members of Youth Parliament of Uzbekistan Outlined Aims and Objectives

31 August 2020

Members of Youth Parliament of Uzbekistan Outlined Aims and Objectives

On the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the representatives of the Youth Parliament established this year at the Senate of the Oliy Majilis shared their main aims and objectives to be implemented with their peers.

First of all, the young MPs are determined to take an active part in the implementation of five initiatives of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The MPs also aim to raise legal awareness, transfer of political and legal knowledge and skills to the young citizens of the Republic, inform the youth on the legislative process.

Among other priorities there is the development of proposals on improvement of the legislation in favor of the youth’s interests, raising their medical and environmental awareness, broadening of their intellectual, spiritual, moral, aesthetic and artistic worldview.

Young MPs also expressed their willingness to provide support to 35 young people who have been rehabilitated and pardoned by the Decree of the President on the 29th Anniversary of Independence of Uzbekistan.
