Valentina Matvienko: Liberation of Leningrad from Siege Has Become a Symbol of Unprecedented Courage and Bravery

27 January 2022

Valentina Matvienko: Liberation of Leningrad from Siege Has Become a Symbol of Unprecedented Courage and Bravery

 Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairperson of the Council of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations Valentina Matvienko congratulated the citizens of St. Petersburg on the anniversary of the liberation of Leningrad from the siege.

 “Today we pay tribute to the memory of all those who gave us peace and freedom, who proved by their feat that the human will is stronger than enemy weapons,” she said in her speech.

 “The liberation of Leningrad from the siege has become a symbol of unprecedented courage and bravery, self-sacrifice, resilience and patriotism of the Soviet people,” noted the Chairperson.

Valentina Matvienko stressed that we would always honor the heroes who managed to defend their city, bow to the greatness of their spirit and devotion to the Motherland. “The memory of each of them lives in our hearts,” she said.