Requiem meeting dedicated to lifting the siege of Leningrad took place in Bishkek

25 January 2019

Requiem meeting dedicated to lifting the siege of Leningrad took place in Bishkek

A requiem meeting, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist siege, took place in the Dair Asanov Pobeda Park in Bishkek. To the echoes of metronome, the participants observed the moment of silence in commemoration of the deceased and laid flowers to the monument of Leningrad siege survivors.

“This is an important day for all Kyrgyz people. During all those tragic 900 days the people of Kyrgyzstan remained true to heroic people on the Neva River, organized collection and delivery of food, accepted Leningrad citizens, shared their shelters and warmth”, noted Vice Governor of Bishkek Asel Kulambaeva.

Leningrad siege survivors, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, residents of the city, civil servants, politicians and public activists, including Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Kyrgyz Republic Andrei Krutko and Chairman of the Kyrgyz Society of the Siege of Leningrad Survivors Anna Kutanova joined the ceremony to commemorate the deceased.