Autumn Session of International Forum Eurasian Economic Perspective to be Held in St. Petersburg

05 November 2020

Autumn Session of International Forum Eurasian Economic Perspective to be Held in St. Petersburg

10 November 2020, the autumn session of the International Forum “Eurasian Economic Perspective” will be held via videoconferencing. The event is co-organized by the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg and the Eurasian Association of Universities.

The forum will be attended by the MPs from the CIS and the EAEU, the representatives of the IPA CIS, the Eurasian Economic Commission, the CIS Executive Committee, the rectors of leading universities of the Eurasian Association of Universities, experts, public figures and representatives of the business community.

The event is aimed at the development of parliamentary, economic, social, educational and other areas of cooperation within the framework of the Eurasian economic integration.

The participation in the autumn session of the Forum requires registration on the website: