Experts Introduced New Formats of Internationalization of Higher Education

21 June 2023

Experts Introduced New Formats of Internationalization of Higher Education

On 21 June, the international conference “Internationalization of Higher Education: Global Challenges and Best Practices” was held as a part of the VII International Nevsky Forum. Experts discussed such topics as constructing an internationalization strategy, working with international students and cross-border education.

Secretary of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Science and Education, Executive Secretary of the IPA CIS – RCC Expert Advisory Board Alexander Surygin made a report on “Education and Science in the Model Law-Making of the IPA CIS”. He presented to the conference participants the documents in the field of science and education drafted by the IPA CIS.

Rector of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Abdukhalil Ghafurzoda also made a speech at the conference. He told about the impact of modern education system on the quality of specialist training, about the historical roots of the education system in Tajikistan and the potential of the Russian and Tajik higher schools.

The conference was organized by the North-West Institute of Management of RANEPA. Representatives from Belarus, Russia, Tajikistan, as well as Indonesia, China and Serbia took part in the event.

The VII International Nevsky Forum takes place in St. Petersburg, on 21-23 June. The mission of the Forum is creation of an international-level discussion platform for a broad discussion of topical issues of stable development of Russia and CIS countries.
