For First Time Youth Day Held Within Framework of International Forum Commonwealth of Fashion
18 November 2024
The “Youth Day” gave a start to the III International Forum “Commonwealth of Fashion”. The event was dedicated to the professional development of young specialists in fashion and design.
The Youth Day included expert lectures and discussions with the participation of industry leaders who will share their knowledge and experience necessary for a successful start in this field.
According to Deputy Chair of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Inna Svyatenko, the interest of the Russian buyer in innovative developments of domestic production is growing.
Member of the Russian Association of Haute Couture and Pret-a-porter, the International Association “Union of Designers”, creator of the brand SERGEY SYSOEV, Head of the Costume Design Department of the Kosygin Russian State University Sergey Sysoev believes that today young designers need platforms for experimentation - both in trade and in product creation.
In his opinion, such platforms helped young talents get acquainted with each other, identify the strengths of each and create collaborations.
The organizers were the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and JSFC Sistema.